"); window.alert("READY???"); document.writeln("
What A Weird Dream!

"); document.writeln("It was a "+aaa+" "+bbb+" day and I had just rolled out of bed. I was feeling a bit thirsty so I slipped on my fuzzy "+ccc+" slippers and headed to the kitchen for a glass of "+ddd+" "+eee+". Just as I opened the fridge, I started hearing "+fff+" sounds coming from just outside the window. The sounds resembled the sounds a "+ggg+" would make if it could "+hhh+". I rushed over to the window, and to my shock, there was "+iii+", trying to balance a "+jjj+" on his/her head, while tossing "+kkk+""); document.writeln(" "+lll+"s into my swimming pool!

I yelled \""+mmm+"! What are you doing?!\"

"+iii+" yelled back, \"You have to try it! This is more fun than last year when the whole gang got together at "+nnn+"s place and everybody traded "+ooo+"(s), stood in a circle and sang \'"+ppp+"\'!\"

I thought for a minute and remembered what a good time we all had that day, so I decided to join "+iii+" in tossing "+kkk+" "+lll+"s into my pool. All I know is that I was having the time of my life and then my alarm went off. What a weird dream!"); document.writeln("

"); document.close(); } // --> <br><br><br><br><font color="tomato" size="7"><b>ERROR: Reload page CMD + R keys</b></font><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

What A Weird Dream II
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A Season
An Animal
A Liquid
Friends Name
An Exclamation
Another Friend
Piece Of Clothing
Name of an "Old" Song

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